Activity Center Regulations and Policies
1. Purpose - To facilitate greater fellowship between brothers and sisters. To build up the household of God through spiritual and physical activities.
2. Usages
a. Schedule of Operation
i. By Reservation: Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
ii. Open Time: Sunday 2:30 pm – 9:00 pm
iii. All other times will be scheduled prior to activities and subject to review.
iv. All ball games are limited to half-court during open time.
v. Church scheduled activities shall take priority and overall usage reserved or unreserved.
vi. Reservation schedule maintained by the manager.
vii. If no Volunteer staff is available the OCCCAC shall be closed.
b. Manager & Volunteer Staff
i. One manager to manage the usage of OCCCAC for recreation activity. This manager will be appointed by the responsible brothers and reports to the
responsible brothers.
ii. Several volunteer staffs to supervise the recreation activity. These volunteer staffs will be recruited by the OCCCAC manager and report to the
OCCCAC manager.
iii. Volunteer staffs will be scheduled for the time slots above.
c. Recreation Type/Equipment
i. The CAC gymnasium is design for the following recreation equipment.
1. Basketball
2. Volleyball
3. Badminton
4. Ping Pong
ii. All other recreation equipment is not permitted without prior approval.
iii. Recreation equipment and supplies are not to be removed from the OCCCAC without prior approval.
iv. Shoes are required. Tennis or basketball shoes are to be worn during all recreation activities in the gymnasium to avoid injury.
3. Use the front door facing Rouse Road for entry and exit. Do not use the gymnasium doors for entry or exit.
4. Guests and members are not allowed to enter any storage area.
5. Kitchen use is limited to temporary usage of the refrigerator for the duration your time here.
6. Eating and drinking should be limited to the kitchen area.
i. Only water is allowed in the gymnasium.
ii. No chewing gum in the gymnasium.
7. Kitchen equipment usage requires prior approval and training.
8. Do not use storage rooms or kitchen to store any personal item.
9. Report to the volunteer staff on duty first, if any damage or emergency happened.
10. Any item damaged or lost must be replaced by the individual or group responsible.
11. Membership
i. OCCCAC is open to members of Orlando Chinese Church and their guests. Each member can bring three guests or obtain permission from the
manager to bring more guests.
ii. Guests shall come with a member and leave with that member. The sponsoring member is responsible for their guest's conduct at all times while inside
the Center.
iii. Children under age 12 shall be accompanied by a parent or guardian or adult members (e.g. Sunday school teacher) in order to use the facility.
iv. In order to use the facility, the member and their guests have to sign a Waiver & Medical Authorization Form. If any medical treatment or emergency service is required, the injured member or guest shall be responsible for the fee charged by the service provider.
12. Conduct & Behavior - This is a Church:
i. Every member and guest shall conduct himself/herself in a manner which would exhibit Christ-like conduct
ii. Dress should be modest and appropriate for sporting activities. The volunteer staff has the authority to ask the members or guests to change their
inappropriate dress.
iii. No smoking or any kind of alcoholic drink is allowed anywhere in the facilities including outside of the building.
iv. Stay inside the Center. Do not hang around outside or in parked automobiles.
v. Fighting, inappropriate language, and damage to properties and behaviors that cause injuries will lead to the loss of privileges to use the OCCCAC.
vi. Members and guests shall clean up and leave the facility as they find it for the next members and guests.
Obey all rules. Do not treat them as nuisance or trouble. Do not give others the same impression.